The intention is that you, the student, take charge of your learning and preparation for this Achievement Standard by using both the elearning website and the work book to practise and prepare yourself. We have arranged the material into two sections – prose and poetry – and ranked them in order of difficulty. We have deliberately chosen texts from a wide variety of sources – national and international – to broaden your outlook.
By using both the elearning material and the work book you can now
1. Go on line and use the eLivewire programme to practice your knowledge and understanding of language features, poetic devices and sentence structure.
2. Answer the Achieved-Only version first to gain understanding, then tackle the normal module with its more challenging questions.
3. Get instant feedback from the online questions and explanations to accelerate your learning.
4. Use the teaching points or the Glossary to make your own summary notes in the Terms and Definitions section of this booklet.
5. Select a Close Reading passage in eLivewire.
6. Re-sit the module to improve your score out of 10 and 'working at' level.
7. Track your record of learning and your place on the leader board (see our home page).
8. Answer an NCEA-style questions in the booklet. Either self-mark or ask your teacher to mark them for you.
9. Use the definitions modules to rehearse key terms.
10. Access the write-on answers from your teacher.
Thus you get access to the best of both worlds.
We hope that this resource will motivate and equip you to succeed in this Achievement Standard.