Mathematics Years 7 - 8 - Web-based Learning
This is the standard, single-user version. MATHEMATICS Years 7 - 8 content is sorted by Topic and is pitched at Level 4 of the curriculum.

Tutorial assistance is now available. Contact Neil:
NZD $11.95
Mathematics Years 7 - 8 [multi user (10)]
This multi-user version may be used by up to 10 students throughout the year. The content is sorted by by Topic.
NZD $119.50
Mathematics Years 9 - 10 - Web-based Learning
This is the standard, single-user version. MATHEMATICS Year 9-10 content is sorted by Topic and in the style of NCEA Level One Achievement Standards. It is pitched at Level 5 of the curriculum, but students have access to the Level 4 material of the Year 7-8 program.

Tutorial assistance is now available. Contact Neil:
NZD $11.95
Mathematics Years 9 - 10 Multi-user 10
This multi-user version may be used by up to 10 students throughout the year. Maths Year 10 content is sorted by Topic and in the style of NCEA Level One Achievement Standards. It is pitched at Level 5 of the curriculum.
NZD $119.50
Mathematics Year 11/NCEA 1 - Web-based Learning
This is the standard, single-user version. MATHEMATICS YEAR 11 content can be sorted either by Topic or by NCEA Level One Achievement Standards. Basic Maths Skills modules are also included.

Tutorial assistance is now available. Contact Neil:
NZD $11.95
Mathematics Year 11/NCEA 1 [multi user (10)]
This multi-user version may be used by up to 10 students throughout the year. Maths Year 11 content can be sorted either by Topic or by NCEA Level One Achievement Standards.
NZD $119.50
Mathematics Year 12/NCEA 2 - Web-based Learning
This is the standard, single-user version. MATHEMATICS YEAR 12 content can be sorted either by Topic or by NCEA Level Two Achievement Standards. Basic Maths Skills modules are also included.

Tutorial assistance is now available. Contact Neil:
NZD $11.95
Mathematics Year 12/NCEA 2 [multi user (10)]
This multi-user version may be used by up to 10 students throughout the year. Maths Year 12 content can be sorted either by Topic or by NCEA Level Two Achievement Standards.
NZD $119.50